Tibet, famous lamas (41)

16th century, Tibet, Sonam Tsemo, gilt copper alloy, 13 cm, Jules Speelman collection lot 3, 11th June 2024, photo and details by Alvina Ang on Bonhams (Paris).

Like his father, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Sonam Tsemo (1142-1182 AD) was a layman, hence the long-sleeve garment made of fine silk with a floral pattern, a cloud-shaped collar, and a border with scrolling vegetation. He holds a manuscript in his left hand and makes the fear-allaying gesture with the other. His legs and feet are covered by his meditation cloak, which is decorated with a cloud pattern and Buddhist symbols (see close up on HAR ). Compare with another portrait seen on Bonhams.

15th-16th century, Tibet, Dragpa Gyaltsen, gilt copper alloy, 18,1 cm, as before, lot 18, on Bonhams.

Dragpa Gyaltsen (identified by an inscription on the base) is often depicted with his arms crossed over his chest and his hands holding a vajra sceptre and a vajra bell.

18th century, Tibet, Marpa, materials unknown (painted wood or clay ?), size unknown, item ABS 387 on Fondation Alain Bordier , at the Tibet Museum in Gruyères (Switzerland).

A vivid image of Marpa Chokyi Lodro (cir. 1012-1097 AD), often seated with his hands over his knees and his bare right foot showing. We have seen two closely related sculptures of this famous translator in the gTsug Lhakhang collection in Lhasa, published by Ulrich von Schroeder on  Jokhang Sculptures pl. 336 D and 336 F.

13th-14th century, Central Tibet, Densatil, Jigten Sumgon Rinchen Pel, gilt copper alloy with silver and stone inlay, 18,1 cm, Jules Speelman collection lot 10, 11th June 2024, Bonhams (Paris).

Tibet, Marpa Chokyi Lodro (6)

16th century, Tibet, Marpa Chokyi Lodro, gilt metal (copper alloy with pigments and turquoise inlay), private collection, photo on HAR

Images of this Tibetan teacher and translator, founder of the Kagyu school, often show him seated on one or two cushions, his hands placed over his lap, his long matted hair combed backward. Being a layman, he always wears a long-sleeve coat and usually has a meditation cloak over it, as on this sculpture that depicts a youthful Marpa frowning, adorned with large earrings and a bulky necklace, a few strands of hair falling over his shoulders.

Undated, Tibet, Marpa with attendants, material and size not given, photo by Dudul Dorjay, 2011, virginia.edu, at the Drowolung monastery (Tibet) (see notes on Drowolung monastery ).

Undated, Tibet, Marpa’s throne, material and size not given, photo by Dudul Dorjay, 2011, on virginia.edu, at the Drowolung monastery (Tibet).

Tibet, famous lamas (38)

15th century, Tibet, possibly Buton Rinchen Drub, gilt copper alloy, 17,6 cm, private collection, Images of Devotion lot 1818, 1st December 2023, photo and notes by Dora Tan on Bonhams (Hong Kong).

According to Dora Tan the square face and the attributes on the flowers he holds, a vajra sceptre and a vajra bell, match a portrait of this Tibetan master (see on HAR ), who was the eleventh abbot of the Shalu monastery.

15th century, Tibet, Khedrup Gompo Sengge? (labelled ‘Marpa Lotsawa’), gilt bronze with cold gold and pigment, 19 cm, private collection, Auction 19 lot 23, 24th February 2024, Hardt Auctions

We saw a statue on Sotheby’s labelled ‘Khedrup Gompo Sengge’ depicting the same man with both hands over his knees and a rosary in his left hand. According to the auction house, the inscription along the base of this one starts with ‘Om Kha drub gon po Seng ge’.

16th century, Tibet, Marpa Chokyi Lodro, gilt bronze, 10,5 cm, private collection, as before lot 343 on Hardt

The famous translator is often depicted in this posture, with his hands over his knees and the toes of his right foot peeping out. As a layman he always wears an outer garment with long sleeves covering both arms and usually has a meditation coat over his shoulders, with his long hair spread over it (see below).

15th century, Tibet, Sonam Gyaltsen, copper alloy with silver and gold, 21 cm, private collection, Zhantan Lin: the highlights of Buddhist art lot 569, China Guardian (Hong Kong).

Sonam Gyaltsen is holding a lotus topped with triple gem (triratna) in his left hand. There is another lama wearing a pointed hat in this unusual fashion on HAR

18th century, Tibet (or China?), Changkya Rolpai Dorje? (labelled ‘the 5th [sic] Karmapa Kakyab Dorje’), private collection, Asian Art lot 133, 10th December 2018, Tajan

This cannot be Kakyab Dorje since he lived during the 19th century, but the hat and posture are the same as on most statues depicting Rolpai Dorje, the third changkya hutuktu/ Khutukhtu, (the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism in Inner Mongolian during the Qing Dynasty). Compare with Chinese sculptures of him on HAR ).

Tibet, famous lamas (33)

Early 17th century, Tibet, Khedrup Gyaltsen, bronze with copper and silver inlay, The John C. and Susan L. Huntington collection, lot 405, 21st September 2022, photo and extensive notes on Christie’s .

16th century, Tibet, Marpa, gilt bronze, 36 cm, private collection, Asian Art lot 3100, 2nd December 2021, Polyauction (Hong Kong).A singular portrait of a youthful Marpa Chokyi Lodro, the famous 11th century Tibetan teacher and translator (see Treasury of Lives) more often depicted as a stocky man with thick matted hair. The elongated waist and the vacant eyes give him a supernatural appearance. Since he was not a monk he wears a layman’s robe with long sleeves and an embroidered border, and a matching cloak.

Tibet, Milarepa – variants (11)

14th century, Tibet, Milarepa, bronze, private collection, Indian & Southeast Asian Art lot 124, 20th September 2006, Christie’s.

We have seen very few sculptures of Milarepa raising his left hand to his ear (‘to listen to the echoes of nature’, as he is reported to have said) and leaning on the opposite hand. This brass work depicts him seated on an antelope skin spread over a rocky formation, alluding to his retirement in a cave in order to meditate.

1350-1450, Tibet, Milarepa, bronze with copper and silver inlay, photo on Fondation Alain Bordier , at the Tibet Museum in Gruyères (Switzerland).

Nearly always seated in a relaxed manner, he usually raises the right hand to his ear. The above has silver-inlaid eyes and a copper-inlaid yogic strap. As often, he holds a skull cup in his left hand and wears spiral-shaped bone earrings.

15th-16th century, Tibet, Milarepa, limestone and pigments, private collection, Fine Chinese Art lot 373, 16th October 2021, Galerie Zacke.

16th century, Tibet, Milarepa, bronze, private collection, Asian Art lot 69, 6th December 2013, Lempertz.

Circa 17th century, Tibet, Milarepa and attendants, polychrome wood, private collection, Indian & Southeast Asian Art lot 127, 17th October 2001, Christie’s.

A composition with two standing attendants, a couple of deer (to record an episode when he saved a deer from a hunter and his dog), his teacher Marpa, who is flanked by Avalokiteshvara in his four-arm form and the buddha Amitabha.

17th-18th century, Tibet, Milarepa with attendants, polychrome stone with cold gold, private collection, Indian & Southeast Asian Art lot 109, 27th March 2003, Christie’s.

A simpler arrangement, with a frieze of birds below the lotus seat and three monks in three niches above the cave.