Tibet, works with ‘lotus frames’

Already published in various posts (with the corresponding photo credits and other details), these works belong to a series of brass sculptures of wisdom buddhas with a princely appearance inspired by the Indian Pala art but with distinctive Tibetan facial features and lotus base. Instead of a celestial scarf acting as a kind of frame around them, these seated figures are flanked by long-stemmed lotuses that go from the base up to their jawline or even higher.

13th-14th century, Tibet, Akshobhya, private collection.

13th-14th century, Western Tibet, Akshobhya (labelled ‘Vajrasattva’),  at the Art Gallery NSW in Sydney.

14th century, Tibet, Akshobhya, at the Museum der Kulturen in Basel (Switzerland).

13th-14th c., Tibet, buddha Vairocana, copper alloy with copper, silver and stone inlay, pigment, private collection.

13th-14th century, Tibet, Vairocana, private collection.

14th century, Tibet, Amoghasiddhi, private collection.

Circa 13th century, Tibet, Amitabha (Amitayus), private collection.

13th-14th century, Tibet, Amitayus, private collection.

14th c., Tibet, Amitayus, brass+cold g.+pig., 31,2 cm, lab. Amiyabha, 57361 har, part II 318C, gTsug Lakhang

14th century, Tibet, Amitayus, at the gTsug Lakhang in Lhasa, inventory nº 10.

13th-14th century, Western Tibet, Amitayus, private collection.

Circa 14th century, Tibet, Akshobhya, private collection.

14th century, Tibet, Akshobhya, private collection.

13th century, Tibet, buddha Amoghasiddhi, private collection.

14th century, Western Tibet, Amoghasiddhi, at the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg (Russia).

14th century, Tibet, Amoghasiddhi, private collection. 

Circa 16th century, Tibet, Amoghasiddhi, at the British Museum in London (UK).

13th century, Western Tibet, Ratnasambhava, private collection.

13th-14th century, Western Tibet, Ratnasambhava, private collection.

13th-14th century, Western Tibet, Ratnasambhava, at the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg (Russia).

18th century, Tibet, Ratnasambhava, at the British Museum in London (UK).

Circa 13th century, Tibet, Vairocana, private collection.

Circa 13th century, Tibet, Vairocana, Jokhang/gTsug Lakhang collection, Lhasa, inventory nº 986.

13th century, Western Tibet, Vairocana, private collection.

Unlabelled (13th-14th century, Tibet, Vairocana, brass with cold gold and pigment), possibly at the Zaguan Museum in China, photo published in Global Times.

13th-14th century, Western Tibet, Vairocana, private collection.

Undated, Tibet (labelled ‘Nepal’), Vairocana, private collection.

14th century, Tibet, buddha Vairocana, private collection.

14th century, Tibet, Vairocana, private collection.

14th century, Tibet, Vairocana, private collection.

14th-15th century, Western Tibet, Vairocana, private collection.