Gandhara, Prince Siddhartha (5)

2nd-3rd century, Gandhara, Siddhartha watering his horse, slate, 38 cm long, private collection, Asian Art A209AS lot 438, 18th June 2024, Koller

2nd-3rd century, Gandhara, first meditation under the jambu tree, private collection, Asian Art A209AS on Koller as before, lot 449.

Coiffed with a crested turban and adorned with jewellery and a string of amulet boxes, Prince Siddhartha is seated under a canopy of large eight-petal flowers. We saw a similar work from the Norton Simon Museum with six and seven-petal flowers. Some sources give syzygium cumini as the botanical name for the jambu tree (also known as jamun, jambolan, jambul, rose apple and many other names – see himalaya.socanth and sciencedirect) but it has spiky flowers. Others, such as LACMA, understand the jambu tree to be a wood apple tree (limonia acidissima), whose flowers have five large petals (see on Alamy ).

3rd-4th century, Gandhara, frieze of meditating Siddhartha, schist, 17,8 cm high, private collection, Indian and Himalayan Art Online lot 124, 28th September 2022, Christie’s

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