Tibet, famous lamas (36)

The following sculptures belong to a corpus of non-gilt brass works made in the Tsang province (Tibet). Published on Bonhams, with extensive notes by Dora Tan (including a translation of the inscriptions around the base), they depict five patriarchs from the Sakya order, all of whom we have seen in previous posts. The first three wear garments that cover both arms because they were laymen, not monks.

15th-16th century, Central Tibet, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, copper alloy, 17,8 cm, private collection, Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Art lot 521, 21st March 2023, Bonhams.

15th-16th century, Central Tibet, Sonam Tsemo, same as before.

15th-16th century, Central Tibet, Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen (also spelt Drakpa), same as before.

15th-16th century, Central Tibet, Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen, same as before.

15th-16th century, Central Tibet, Drogon Chogyal Pagpa Lodro Gyaltsen, same as before.

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