Tibet, The Crowned Buddha (15)

13th-14th century, Tibet, Crowned Buddha Shakyamuni, brass, 11,6 cm, photo: courtesy of Ulrich von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet Volume Two, Visual Dharma Publications, Hong Kong, p. 1156 pl. 305A, at the gTsug lha khang in the sMin grol gling (Mindroling) monastery (Tibet).

Unlike the five direction buddhas in their sambhogakaya form, the crowned Buddha always wears a monastic garment, and Tibetan portable sculptures of him rarely include any jewellery.

Circa 14th century, Tibet, Crowned Buddha Shakyamuni, brass, 26,4 cm, photo as before, p. 1155 pl. 304C , at the Palkhor Chode monastic complex in Gyantse (Tibet).

15th century, Tibet, The Crowned Buddha, gilt bronze, 10,7 cm, private collection, Auction 814 China I, lot 138, 12th June 2023,  Nagel

16th-17th century, East(ern) Tibet, Crowned Buddha Calling the Earth to Witness, 27,3 cm, inventory nº AS42-1979 at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne (Australia).

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