Inner Mongolia, female deities

Late 18th century, Inner Mongolia, Dolonnor, Ushnishavijaya, parcel-gilt bronze repoussé, 36,5 cm, private collection, Art d’Asie lot 206, 14th June 2023, Christie’s (Paris).

Particularly popular in Mongolia, the three-head and eight-arm form of this long-life goddess always has a visvajra (either in one of her right hands – as would have been the case here – or in both main hands held in the gesture of meditation) and an effigy of Amitabha (usually held in the her upper right hand). The missing implements are likely to be a bow and an arrow in the middle hands, and a long-life vase in the lower left hand; the lower right one makes the gesture of supreme generosity, the upper left one makes the fear-allaying gesture.

Undated (circa 18th century), Mongolia, Dolonnor style, Ushnishavijaya, metal (gilt copper alloy with painted facial features), private collection, photo on HAR

Each head as a third eye, and the hair is pulled together and arranged in a double bun, as is traditional in the Dolonnor area.

17th-18th century, Mongolia, Ulaan Baatar, Sitatapatra, gilt bronze, photo by Daderot on wikimedia, exhibited at the Linden Museum in Stuttgart (Germany).

In her one-head and two-arm form Sitatapatra, whose name means ‘white parasol’, usually has a wheel in her right hand and a parasol in the other. She also has a third eye, and may have 3 heads and 6 to 10 arms, five heads and 10 arms, or a thousand heads and a thousand arms.

18th century, Inner Mongolia, Dolonnor style, White Tara, (parcel-gilt?) metal, private collection, photo on HAR

White Tara makes the gesture to bestow refuge with her left hand (tip of ring finger on tip of thumb) and extends her right hand in the gesture of generosity. She has a third eye on her forehead.

Undated (circa 18th century), Inner Mongolia, Dolonnor style, (White Tara), metal, private collection, photo by Hanai Auction on HAR

Undated (circa 18th century), Inner Mongolia, Dolonnor style, (White Tara), metal, private collection, photo on HAR

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