Nepal, various female deities (9)

17th century, Nepal, Ushnishavijaya, gilt cop., 12 cm, 24th May 2023 lot 461, Woolley & Wallis

1448 AD, Nepal, Prajnaparamita, gilt copper alloy with turquoise inlay, 17 cm, private collection, Indian, Himalayan & Southeast Asian Art lot 106, 12th June 2023, Bonhams (Paris).

A singular image of the goddess of transcendent wisdom, a bodhisattva and mother of all buddhas. When depicted in her four-arm form, if she holds a rosary and a manuscript in her upper hands the other two normally make the ‘turning the wheel of dharma‘ gesture, or the lower right hand is held down in the gesture of generostiy and the left one holds a bowl. In this case, however, she holds a lotus bud in her cupped hands (see close up on HAR ), as indicated by Jing Wen from Bonhams, who also draws our attention to the headdress, a Malla-style helmet topped with a half-vajra finial (see reverse on  HAR) such as we have seen on quite a few Nepalese sculptures of Vajradhara, Vajrasattva, and Manjushri.

12th century, Nepal, Vasudhara, gilt copper, registration nº 1971,0925.1, at the British Museum in London (UK).

This remarkable work depicts Vasudhara in her most common form, seated on a lion throne covered with a cloth. Her dhoti and the sash across her breast are decorated with a stippled lotus pattern. Her cushion is incised with a larger floral design. She holds a bunch of jewels in her middle right hand, a manuscript, a sheaf of grain, a vase of longevity in her left hands.

15th century, Nepal, Tara (?), gilt copper repoussé with stone inlay, 34 cm, private collection, auction as before, photo on Bonhams . Labelled ‘unidentified’ on HAR.

If this is Tara, then the photo is the other way round. Green Tara sits with her right leg pendent and it is with her right hand that she makes the gesture of generosity and displays a gem; her left hand usually holds a lily and may make the gesture of debate.

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